1·Most products fail to gain attention, create value, impress, or sustain interest.
2·Start the lesson with a "bang" and sustain interest and curiosity. Speak clearly. .
3·Mr Daugherty tries to sustain interest in Heller's subsequent books, but finds it hard going.
4·There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
5·She managed to sustain everyone's interest until the end of her speech.
—— 《牛津词典》
6·It assumes that Greece could sustain a brutal reduction in its primary budget deficit (ie, excluding interest costs) of 12 percentage points.
7·However, it is also in the fishermen’s best interest to sustain the fish populations, i.e., leaving enough fish to repopulate, so that down the road, there are still fish to be caught.
8·But when you complain that you have no time to study English, it can illustrate two problems: one is that your interest in English is not strong enough to sustain your passion;
9·Asian central banks, which have helped sustain both the current-account deficit and the dollar by buying Treasury bonds in startlingly large quantities, have little interest in a weaker greenback.
对于这两句话,我个人的理解是:亚洲的各中央银行,通过购买数量惊人的美国的国库券,在维持美国的经常项目赤字以及强势美元方面起到推波助澜的作用,他们当然也不希望看到美元走弱(一走弱他们手头所持的资产就会大幅缩水)。 后一句的extra revenue 我觉得翻成:“过多的收入”可能会好一点。
10·I'm living my life, the way I want it even if no one else understands it, or thinks it's a fad they've lost interest in because they can't sustain their idealistic lifestyle.